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Learning to Play Tennis

Anyone learning to play tennis has undoubtedly, at some point, received advice from well-meaning players that didn’t work. Or, even worse, many players have spent hard-earned money on pros or classes, only to find their game just the same as before. While this age-old sport has existed long enough to put forth some tried and true keys to success, much of it is still unattainable to the average Joe or weekend warrior looking to gain a deeper appreciation for the game.

Learning to Play Tennis

That’s why Tennis Warrior delivers its proven system in a variety of formats guaranteed to deliver professional results to even the most novice of players. Face it, anyone seeking to learn to play tennis has been overwhelmed—intimidated even—by the sheer complexity of the game. From complicated strokes to a language that leaves outsiders scratching their heads, understanding the many facets of a game that appears so simple can be daunting, to say the least.

Not only are our CD’s, books, and email lessons informative, they are easy to understand. Everyone—from pros to novices—is capable of drawing out and utilizing as much information as they want from a lesson or tip. In addition, we take care to explain in plain English the methods and their benefits. We also take time to carefully explain the difference between theoretical knowledge (often what you’re taught by well-meaning friends and bad classes) and practical knowledge (the stuff that actually improves your game) in simple language. For example, players can expect the following types of information:

  • Physical Tactics
  • Effects of Mental Toughness
  • Common Myths of Tennis
  • What Really Wins Matches
  • How to Overcome Bad Thinking
  • The Real Importance (or lack thereof) of Form
  • The Key to Memorizing Strokes
  • How to Utilize the Strokes You Utilize NOW to Win More Matches

Learning to play tennis already involves understanding and utilizing complex movements and a “feel” for the game that many beginners often find daunting, at best. It shouldn’t feel like becoming initiated into a new culture with an entirely new and foreign language. By providing clear instructions in plain English, Tennis Warrior keeps experienced players engaged and novice players on track. Whether you are looking for basic tips and advice, or one-on-one tips from a pro that knows the keys to great playing, understanding what you learn will be easy. Learn to play tennis your way at www.tenniswarrior.com.

  Tom Veneziano
My Wimbledon Radio Interview
Real player

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( 7 minutes ) 

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The Ultimate Tennis Warrior Package Including T-Shirt
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